Current Data – SECURE-AD Physician Registry
On this page we provide open access to the current (preliminary) data of the SECURE-AD Physician Registry. We provide summary information of a limited number of participants, so clinical decision making should not be based on this data. Last update: 18-01-2021. Figures show data of 204 patients.
Please use the following citation if referencing the data on this page: Alan Irvine, Carsten Flohr, Phyllis Spuls, Angela Bosma, Conor Broderick, Ching-Chi Chi, Aaron Drucker, Kenji Kabashima, Annelie Musters, David Prieto-Merino, Dmitri Wall, Bernd Arents, Tim Burton. SECURE-AD Database Public Data Update. Accessed on MM/DD/YY.
Click here to report a case in the SECURE-AD Physician Registry.
Number of cases reported: 227